Tag Archives | Ecology

Why is the Ozone Hole over Antarctic? | Ecology

Get the Answer of: Why is the Ozone Hole over Antarctic? Observed ozone over the British Antarctic Sur­vey station at Halley Bay first revealed obvious decreases in the early 1980s compared to data ob­tained since 1957. The ozone hole is formed each year when there is a sharp decline (currently up to 60%) in the total ozone over most of [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:35+00:00December 13, 2016|Ozone Holes|Comments Off on Why is the Ozone Hole over Antarctic? | Ecology

Water Pollution and Its Impact on Health | Ecology

After reading this article you will learn about water pollution and its impact on health. Water is among the most essential requisites that nature has provided to sustain life on earth. About 80% of earth's surface is covered by water. The deteriorating quality of water is creating various problems for the mankind. The growth in popu­lation, about 90 per cent [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:34+00:00December 13, 2016|Water Pollution|Comments Off on Water Pollution and Its Impact on Health | Ecology

Conducting EIA and Hazardous Waste Management | Ecology

After reading this article you will learn about conducting EIA and hazardous waste management. Conducting EIA: EIA serves as a valuable tool for identification, prediction and evaluation of impacts due to the proposed TSDF at a particular site. It evaluates the potential impacts, both beneficial and adverse, of the project i.e., TSDF on the environmental system. There are different methodologies [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:34+00:00December 13, 2016|Hazardous Waste|Comments Off on Conducting EIA and Hazardous Waste Management | Ecology
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