Tag Archives | Diversity

Sporulation of Bacteria (With Diagram)

The below mentioned article provides a quick note on the Sporulation of Bacteria. Bacteria produce several types of spores called gonidia, sporangiospores, arthrospores (oidia), conidia, cysts and endospores. Endospores (Fig. 2.12): They are highly thick-walled and resistant spores which are formed in response to adverse environment, presence of harmful waste products or ageing of bacterial colony. A part of protoplast [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:41+00:00September 6, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on Sporulation of Bacteria (With Diagram)

Archaebacteria: Definition, Types and Uses

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Archaebacteria 2. Types of Archaebacteria 3. Uses. Definition of Archaebacteria: They are a group of most primitive prokaryotes which are believed to have evolved immediately after the evolution of the first life. They have been placed in a separate subk­ingdom or domain of Archaea by a number of workers. Archaebacteria [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:41+00:00September 6, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on Archaebacteria: Definition, Types and Uses

General Characters of Slime Moulds: 8 Characters | Protists

The following points highlight the eight general characters of slime moulds.  (1) Slime moulds do not have chlorophyll. (2) Slime moulds are surrounded by the plasma membrane only (somatic parts are without cell walls). However, the spores have the cellulose cell walls. (3) At one stage of the life cycle Slime moulds have amoeboid structure. (4) The slime moulds live [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:40+00:00September 6, 2016|Protists|Comments Off on General Characters of Slime Moulds: 8 Characters | Protists
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