Tag Archives | Diversity

Phylum Mollusca: Characters and Classification (With Diagram) | Animals

In this article we will discuss about the general characters and classification of Phylum Mollusca. General Characteristics of Phylum Mollusca: 1. Habitat: They are mostly marine. Many, however, occur in fresh water and some even in damp soil. 2. Body Form: The body of molluscs is un-segmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump. Neopilina is a segmented [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:04+00:00December 12, 2016|Phylum Mollusca|Comments Off on Phylum Mollusca: Characters and Classification (With Diagram) | Animals

Difference between Frog and Toad | Animal Kingdom

The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Frog and Toad. Difference # Frog: 1. Frog mostly lives in water but comes to land for feeding. 2. Frog is diurnal. 3. Frog lays egg in a mass. 4. Head is triangular. 5. Body is Oliver-brown with dark spots. 6. Skin is moist and smooth. It has numerous mucous [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:04+00:00December 12, 2016|Difference|Comments Off on Difference between Frog and Toad | Animal Kingdom

Difference between Fishes and Tetrapoda | Animal Kingdom

The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Fishes and Tetrapoda. Difference # Fishes: 1. Fishes have paired appendages in the form of pectoral and pelvic fins. 2. Fishes respire by means of gills. 3. Except lung fishes they do not have internal nares. 4. Heart is 2 chambered except lung fishes where heart is 3 chambered. 5. [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:04+00:00December 12, 2016|Difference|Comments Off on Difference between Fishes and Tetrapoda | Animal Kingdom
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