Tag Archives | Distribution

Distribution of Stomata on Leaves | Epidermis

In this article we will discuss about the distribution of stomata on leaves. Stomata most frequently occur on regions over the chlorenchymatous mesophyll cells of leaf. Stomata do not occur over the fibre bundles of veins. They also do not occur over the sclerenchyma present on the leaf margins. In majority of monocotyledons where the veins are parallel, e.g. Graminsae, [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:55:51+00:00December 12, 2016|Plants|Comments Off on Distribution of Stomata on Leaves | Epidermis

Distribution of Fluids in the Human Body

In this article we will discuss about the Distribution of Fluids in the Human Body:- 1. Fluid Concentration in Human Body 2. Extracellular Fluid 3. Intracellular Fluid 4. Exchanges between Fluid Compartments. Fluid Concentration in Human Body: 1. Water makes up 50 to 70 per cent of the weight of the adult human body and varĀ­ies inversely as the fat [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:19:22+00:00July 30, 2016|Water Metabolism|Comments Off on Distribution of Fluids in the Human Body

Distribution of Saline Arid Zones (With Diagram)

After reading this article you will learn about distribution of saline arid zones. 1. India: In India near Calcutta in deltaic area of Hugli river, the swamp region is known as Sunderbans. The Sunderbans, crisscrossed by creeks and channels of varying width and depth and subject to the fullest furies of the cyclone storms (fig. 25.2). The Sunderbans is a [...]

By |2016-06-13T05:33:43+00:00June 13, 2016|Arid Zone|Comments Off on Distribution of Saline Arid Zones (With Diagram)
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