Tag Archives | Dicotyledons

Dicotyledons: Labiatae and Amaranthaceae | Essay | Angiosperms | Botany

Read this essay you will learn about:- 1. Labiatae (Lamiaceae) 2. Amaranthaceae (Amaranthus Family).   Essay # 1. Labiatae (Lamiaceae): (Mint Family) The family Labiatae consists of 264 genera and 6,990 species and is found to grow almost throughout the world and especially in the Mediteranean region. About 64 genera and 380 species are distributed in India at different habi­tat mainly [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:48+00:00April 11, 2017|Dicotyledons|Comments Off on Dicotyledons: Labiatae and Amaranthaceae | Essay | Angiosperms | Botany

Top 3 Families of Dicotyledons | Essay | Angiosperms | Botany

In this essay we will discuss about top three families of dicotyledons:- 1. Rosaceae (Rose Family) 2. Cucurbitaceae (Gourd Family) 3. Solanaceae (Potato Family). Essay # 1. Rosaceae (Rose Family): The family is represented by 110 genera and 3,100 species, is cosmopolitan in distribution. More than-25 genera and 215 species are grow­ing widely in the temperate region of Himalayas up [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:48+00:00April 11, 2017|Dicotyledons|Comments Off on Top 3 Families of Dicotyledons | Essay | Angiosperms | Botany

Structure of Nelumbo Nucifera (With Diagram) | Dicotyledons

In this article we will discuss about the structure of Nelumbo nucifera with the help of diagram.  Habit: A perennial aquatic herb. Root: Adventitious slender and perennial. Stem: Rhizomatous, branched and rooted in mud. Leaves: Simple, forming a "triad" i.e. one scaly leaf on the lower side of rhizome, another on upper side bearing in its axil the flower and [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:30+00:00August 30, 2016|Dicotyledonae|Comments Off on Structure of Nelumbo Nucifera (With Diagram) | Dicotyledons
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