Tag Archives | Cultivation

Science Fair Project on Tomatoes | India

Do you want to create an amazing science fair project on tomatoes ? You are in the right place. Read the below given article to get a complete idea about: 1. Origin of Tomato 2. Botany of Tomato 3. Distribution 4. Genetic Resources 5. Qualitative Genes 6. Breeding Goals 7. Important Donors for Desirable Traits 8. Breeding Methods 9. Fruit [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:06:07+00:00December 6, 2016|Tomatoes|Comments Off on Science Fair Project on Tomatoes | India

Brinjal (Eggplant): Origin, Breeding Methods and Varieties | India

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Origin of Brinjal 2. Botany of Brinjal 3. Distribution 4. Qualitative Genes 5. Breeding Goals 6. Development of Core Set 7. Breeding Methods 8. Seed Production 9. Varieties. Origin of Brinjal: Daunay (2008) has covered eggplant breeding quite extensively. According to his compilation, there are reports that S. incannum, a wild [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:06:07+00:00December 6, 2016|Vegetable Breeding|Comments Off on Brinjal (Eggplant): Origin, Breeding Methods and Varieties | India

Application of Biotechnology in Brinjal | India

After reading this article you will learn about the application of biotechnology in brinjal. Anther Culture: In vitro androgenesis has been successfully applied and adapted to eggplant. In addition to the rapidity of this method for yielding homozygous material, it has other important advantages such as the simplification of the analysis of traits genetic inheritance, as well as the increased [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:06:07+00:00December 6, 2016|Vegetable Breeding|Comments Off on Application of Biotechnology in Brinjal | India
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