Tag Archives | Cucumber

Cucumber: Origin, Production and Varieties | India

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Origin of Cucumber 2. Production of Cucumber 3. Botany and Reproductive Biology 4. Genetics of Sex 5. Chemical Regulation of Sex Expression 6. Important Genes 7. Cultivar Groups 8. Plant Genetic Resources 9. Breeding Goals 10. Seed Production 11. Biotechnological Applications in Cucumber Breeding 12. Molecular Markers 13. Varieties. Contents: Origin [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:06:07+00:00December 6, 2016|Vegetable Breeding|Comments Off on Cucumber: Origin, Production and Varieties | India

Top 4 Breeding Methods Applicable to Cucumber | India

This article throws light upon the top four breeding methods applicable to cucumber. The methods are: 1. Routine Backcross Programme Method 2. Pedigree Method 3. Use of Sex Inheritance and Chemicals in Breeding Method 4. Population Improvement and Extraction of Inbred Lines Method. 1. Routine Backcross Programme Method: This has been quite useful for transferring characters governed by single genes, [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:06:07+00:00December 6, 2016|Vegetable Breeding|Comments Off on Top 4 Breeding Methods Applicable to Cucumber | India

Structure of Cucumber (Holothuria) | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of Cucumber (Holothuria) with the help of a diagram.1. It is commonly known “cucumber", is marine and shallow waters. 2. Body elongated, cylindrical, broad in the middle and tapering behind. 3. The mouth and anus (cloaca) are situated at opposite ends one being at anterior and the other at posterior end. [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:18:43+00:00October 13, 2016|Practicals|Comments Off on Structure of Cucumber (Holothuria) | Zoology
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