Tag Archives | Control Methods

Top 5 Methods Used for Controlling Mosquitoes

The following points highlight the top five methods used for controlling mosquitoes. The methods are: 1. Personal Protection 2. Destruction of Adults 3. Destruction of Larvae 4. Elimination of Breeding Places 5. Preventive Medicine. Method # 1. Personal Protection: (a) In mosquito-infected area protective clothing may be used, such as will cover the exposed parts of the body, especially after [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:45:55+00:00May 2, 2016|Mosquitoes|Comments Off on Top 5 Methods Used for Controlling Mosquitoes

Top 3 Methods used for Controlling Houseflies

The following points highlight the top three methods used for controlling houseflies. The methods are: 1. Control of Breeding of Houseflies 2. Protection of Food 3. Killing Adult Housefly. Method # 1. Control of Breeding of Houseflies: (a) Flies breed in stable manure, human faeces and garbage, these should be kept in closed cisterns, then removed by municipalities and be [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:45:54+00:00May 2, 2016|Houseflies|Comments Off on Top 3 Methods used for Controlling Houseflies
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