Tag Archives | Condiments

10 Main Types of Condiments

Here is a list of ten main types of condiments: 1. Ginger 2. Black Pepper 3. Cinnamon 4. Turmeric 5. Cloves 6. Cardamom 7. Coriander 8. Chillies 9. Cumin 10. Fennel. Type # 1. Ginger (Hindi – Adarak): Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale Rose. Family: Zingiberaceae. 1. It is an important condiment obtained from underground parts of the plant. 2. It [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:46:23+00:00October 20, 2016|Economic Botany|Comments Off on 10 Main Types of Condiments

Nutmeg and Mace (With Diagram)| Economic Botany

Mynsticafragrans Houtt.; English—Nutmeg tree; Hindi—Jaiphal (fruit kernel), Japatri (aril)- Bengali—Jaiphal (nut), jotri (aril); Punjabi—Japhal (nut), jauntari (aril); Marathi—Jaiphala (fruit) jayapatn (aril); Gujarati—Jayephal (nut), javantari, japatri (aril); Tamil—Jadikkay (nut), jadi-pattiri (aril); Telugu—Zevangam, jajikaya (nut), japatri (aril); Malayalam—Jatikka (nut), jati-pattiri (aril); Sanskrit—Jajiphalam (nut), jajipatri (aril); Family— Myristicaceae. It is native of the Moluccas Islands. In India, it is grown in the Nilgiris, [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:09:29+00:00September 16, 2016|Economic Botany|Comments Off on Nutmeg and Mace (With Diagram)| Economic Botany
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