Tag Archives | Compounds

Hydrocarbons used by Microorganisms | Microbiology

The below mentioned article provides a note about the types of hydrocarbons used as substrates for growth by various microorganisms. Yes, some type of hydrocarbons can serve as growth substrates. This type of organisms is ecologically important, e.g. in the degradation of petroleum pollutants and some may be utilized in commercial production of single cell protein (SCP) from hydrocarbons. However, [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:16+00:00December 20, 2016|Biochemistry|Comments Off on Hydrocarbons used by Microorganisms | Microbiology

Characteristics of Biological Lipids | Cells

The chemical, structural and physical characteristics or properties of the biological lipids are as under: (i) The fats and oils are stored forms of energy in living organisms and are highly reduced compounds. (ii) The complete oxidation of fatty acids into CO2 and H20 in cells is highly exergonic or energy producing in the same way as the explosion of [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:15+00:00December 20, 2016|Lipids|Comments Off on Characteristics of Biological Lipids | Cells

Compounds Formed from Sugar and Hydroxyl Groups | Carbohydrates

The following points highlight the two main compounds formed from sugar and hydroxyl groups. The compounds are: 1. Glycosides 2. Amino Sugars (Hexosamines). Compound # 1. Glycosides: Glycosides are compounds formed by the conden­sation reaction between a sugar and the hydroxyl group of a second compound or aglycone which may or may not be another sugar. If the carbohy­drate portion [...]

By |2016-07-25T07:45:17+00:00July 25, 2016|Carbohydrates|Comments Off on Compounds Formed from Sugar and Hydroxyl Groups | Carbohydrates
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