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Hymenophylum: Distribution and Gametophyte | Botany

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Occurrence and Distribution of Hymenophylum 2. Sporophyte of Hymenophylum 3. Gametophyte 4. Phylogeny. Occurrence and Distribution of Hymenophylum: Hymenophyllum is distributed in humid, tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. It is characteristically found in tropical rain forests. In the west land forests of New Zealand it is especially abundant. It [...]

By |2016-12-22T15:52:48+00:00December 22, 2016|Pteridophytes|Comments Off on Hymenophylum: Distribution and Gametophyte | Botany

Equisetum: Occurrence and Phylogeny| Botany

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Occurrence and Distribution of Equisetum 2. Sporophyte of Equisetum 3. Gametophyte 4. Phylogeny. Occurrence and Distribution of Equisetum: Equisetum is popularly known as horsetail because of its bushy habit. There are about 25 species distributed in all parts of the world except perhaps in Australia and New Zealand. They are found mostly [...]

By |2016-12-22T15:52:48+00:00December 22, 2016|Pteridophytes|Comments Off on Equisetum: Occurrence and Phylogeny| Botany

Calamites: Features and Structure | Botany

In this article we will discuss about the external features and internal structure of calamites. External Features of Calamites: The calamitean fossils range from pith casts, stems, twigs and leaves to strobili. The stem is known as Calamities, leafy twigs are called An nularia, and fructification is known as Calamostachys. The plant body of Calamites was a tall tree (Fig. [...]

By |2016-12-22T15:52:48+00:00December 22, 2016|Pteridophytes|Comments Off on Calamites: Features and Structure | Botany
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