Tag Archives | Classes

Pteropsida: Plant Body and Classification | Botany

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Pteropsida (Ferns) 2. Plant Body of Pteropsida (Ferns) 3. Gametophyte 4. Classification 5. Phylogeny. Introduction to Pteropsida (Ferns): Pteropsida represent the most highly evolved group among the lower vascular plants. In this group are included some of the most beautiful, and most familiar plants called Ferns which are the joy [...]

By |2016-12-22T15:52:54+00:00December 22, 2016|Pteridophytes|Comments Off on Pteropsida: Plant Body and Classification | Botany

Pteris: Distribution and Gametophyte | Botany

Occurrence and Distribution: This is a cosmopolitan fern being distributed in almost all geographical regions. Pteris however, prefers tropical and sub-tropical climates. Plants usually grow in well drained places or in the crevices of rocks. They are very common along the slopes of hills and can be seen even at 1200 metres above sea level. There are about 250-280 species [...]

By |2016-12-22T15:52:54+00:00December 22, 2016|Pteridophytes|Comments Off on Pteris: Distribution and Gametophyte | Botany

Adiantum: Occurrence and Gametophyte | Botany

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Occurrence and Distribution of Adiantum 2. Sporophyte of Adiantum 3. Gametophyte 4. Phylogeny. Occurrence and Distribution of Adiantum: Adiantum is popularly called 'Maiden hair fem' because of the shiny black rachis of the leaves. It is one of the most widely distributed genera (Other genera are Cheilanthes, Pellaea, Ceratopieris and Anogramma) of [...]

By |2016-12-22T15:52:53+00:00December 22, 2016|Pteridophytes|Comments Off on Adiantum: Occurrence and Gametophyte | Botany
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