Tag Archives | Chemistry

Ways by which RBC’s are Destroyed by Hemolysis

The following points highlight the top six ways by which RBC’s are destroyed by hemolysis. The ways are: 1. Osmotically 2. By hemotoxins 3. By Certain Drugs 4. By Lipid Solvents 5. By Mechanical Means 6. Other Hemolytic Agents. Way # 1. Osmotically: (i) The RBC membrane is permeable to wa­ter. When the blood is placed in hypot­onic solution, red [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:13+00:00August 3, 2016|RBC|Comments Off on Ways by which RBC’s are Destroyed by Hemolysis

Blood: Functions, Properties and Groups

In this article we will discuss about the Blood:- 1. Meaning of Blood 2. Functions of Blood 3. Normal Blood 4. Properties 5. Groups. Contents: Meaning of Blood Functions of Blood Normal Blood Properties of Blood Blood Groups 1. Meaning of Blood: Blood is a tissue consisting of different types of cells—the red blood cells (RBC), the white blood cells [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:12+00:00August 3, 2016|Blood|Comments Off on Blood: Functions, Properties and Groups

Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin by Thrombin | Hemolysis

The below mentioned article provides a short note on the Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin by Thrombin. Fibrinogen is a soluble plasma glycopro­tein whose length is 46 nm. Its molecular weight is 340,000 and it consists of 6 polypeptide chains synthesized in liver. The 6 chains are two Aα chains, two Bβ chains, and two y chains making the struc­ture [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:12+00:00August 3, 2016|Hemolysis|Comments Off on Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin by Thrombin | Hemolysis
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