Tag Archives | Chemistry

Essay on Phosphorus

The below mentioned article provides an essay on:- 1. Physiological Functions of Phosphorus 2. Sources of Phosphorus 3. Absorption 4. Blood Phosphorus 5. Excretion 6. Disease State. Contents: Essay on the Physiological Functions of Phosphorus Essay on the Sources of Phosphorus Essay on the Absorption of Phosphorus Essay on the Blood Phosphorus Essay on the Excretion of Phosphorus Essay on [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:14+00:00August 3, 2016|Phosphorus|Comments Off on Essay on Phosphorus

Specific Dynamic Action: Factors and Example | Energy Production

The below mentioned article provides a short note on Specific Dynamic Action (SDA). Definition Specific Dynamic Action (SDA): It is defined as the extra heat production over and above the caloric value of a given amount of food when used by the body. Example: An amount of protein which con­tains 100 kcal (25 gm.) when metabolized in the body, the [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:14+00:00August 3, 2016|Energy Production|Comments Off on Specific Dynamic Action: Factors and Example | Energy Production

Measurement of Energy Value of Foods | Biochemistry

The below mentioned article provides a short note on the Measurement of Energy Value of Foods. The foodstuffs (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) on combustion by oxygen produce heat. This amount of heat can be measured in a bomb calo­rimeter. Carbohydrate and fat are completely oxidized in the body to CO2 and water like that of bomb calorimeter. But proteins are [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:14+00:00August 3, 2016|Energy Value|Comments Off on Measurement of Energy Value of Foods | Biochemistry
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