Tag Archives | Carbohydrate Metabolism

Top 3 Sources of Blood Glucose | Carbohydrate Metabolism

The following points highlight the top three sources of blood glucose. The sources are: 1. From Carbohydrates of the Diet 2. From Various Glucogenic Compounds 3. From Liver Glycogen by Glycogenolysis. Blood Glucose: Source # 1. From Carbohydrates of the Diet: a. Most carbohydrates in the diet after di­gestion form glucose, galactose or fruc­tose which are absorbed into the portal [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:20:06+00:00July 30, 2016|Carbohydrate Metabolism|Comments Off on Top 3 Sources of Blood Glucose | Carbohydrate Metabolism

Top 10 Types of Glycogen Storage Diseases

The following points highlight the top ten types of glycogen storage diseases. The types are: 1. von Gierke's Disease 2. Pompe's Disease 3. Amylopectinosis 4. MC Ardle's Disease 5. Galactosemia 6. Hereditary Fructose Intolerance 7. Lactosuria 8. Maltosuria 9. Fructosuria 10. Pentosuria. Glycogen Storage Diseases: Type # 1. von Gierke's Disease: a. The disease is due to the deficiency of [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:20:06+00:00July 30, 2016|Carbohydrate Metabolism|Comments Off on Top 10 Types of Glycogen Storage Diseases

Endocrine Influences on Carbohydrate Metabolism

The following points highlight the seven major endocrine influences on metabolism of carbohydrates. The endocrine influences are: 1. Insulin 2. Adrenocortical Hormones 3. Anterior Pituitary Factors 4. Epinephrine 5. Thyroid Hormone 6. Glucagon 10. Sex Hormones. 1. Insulin: a. Causes glucose transport across cell mem­brane by increasing the permeability of the cells. b. Increases glycogen formation in liver and muscle [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:20:05+00:00July 30, 2016|Carbohydrate Metabolism|Comments Off on Endocrine Influences on Carbohydrate Metabolism
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