Tag Archives | Bryophyta

Sphagnum: Habitat, Features and Affinities | Bryopsida

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Sphagnum 2. Special Features of Sphagnum 3. Affinities. Habit and Habitat of Sphagnum: Sphagnum is represented by about 336 species which are cosmopolitan in distribution. In India, it is represented by about 20 species in Himalayas. These species are aquatic or semiaquatic and grow in dense masses or [...]

By |2016-09-16T07:21:03+00:00September 16, 2016|Bryophyta|Comments Off on Sphagnum: Habitat, Features and Affinities | Bryopsida

Life Cycle of Sphagnum (With Diagram) | Bryopsida

In this article we will discuss about the gametophytic phase, reproduction and sporophytic phase in the life cycle of sphagnum. Gametophytic Phase of Sphagnum: (i) External Features of Sphagnum: Plant body is gametophytic and consists of two stages: Juvenile stage and leafy gametophore Juvenile stage: It is also called protonema and is formed by the germination of the spores. It [...]

By |2016-09-16T07:21:01+00:00September 16, 2016|Bryophyta|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Sphagnum (With Diagram) | Bryopsida

Life Cycle of Riccia (With Diagram) | Hepaticopsida

In this article we will discuss about the gametophytic phase, reproduction and sporophytic phase in the life cycle of riccia. Gametophytic Phase of Riccia: The plant body of Riccia is gametophytic and gametophytes are fleshy, prostrate and dichotomously branched. Repeated dichotomy results into a typically rosette like appearance (Figs. 1, 3). In Riccia cruciata only two dichotomy result in a [...]

By |2016-09-16T07:20:55+00:00September 16, 2016|Bryophyta|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Riccia (With Diagram) | Hepaticopsida
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