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Water and Wastewater Microbiology | Microbiology

Everything you need to know about water and wastewater microbiology. Some of the most frequently asked questions are as follows:- Q.1. Why do ocean estuaries fed by rivers have higher microbial counts than other shoreline waters? Ans: Ocean estuaries have a higher nutrient level. Q.2. Give two main characteristics of aquatic bacteria. Ans: (1) Bacteria whose main habitat is water [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:22+00:00December 20, 2016|Water Microbiology|Comments Off on Water and Wastewater Microbiology | Microbiology

Water and Wastewater Microbiology (Exam Questions)

Everything you need to know about water and wastewater microbiology. Some of the frequently asked exam questions are as follows:- Q.1. Give the steps of typical sewage treatment plant are as given below Ans: The steps adopted in a typical sewage treatment plant are as given below: (i) Primary treatment which comprises two parts: (a) Screening, skimming and grinding of [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:21+00:00December 20, 2016|Water Microbiology|Comments Off on Water and Wastewater Microbiology (Exam Questions)

Molecular Biology: Top 25 Things to Know About | Biology

Everything you need to know about molecular biology. Some of the most frequently asked questions are as follows:- Q.1. What is transcription? Ans: The transcription is the process in which the genetic information stored in the DNA is used to code the synthesis of RNA. The strand of DNA responsible for doing it or working as a template for the [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:18+00:00December 20, 2016|Molecular Biology|Comments Off on Molecular Biology: Top 25 Things to Know About | Biology
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