Tag Archives | Body Processes

Asphyxia: Classification and Conditions | Respiration | Humans | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the classification and essential conditions of asphyxia. Improper aeration of blood, if continued for some time in an intact animal, produces a series of pathological manifestations and ultimately death. These manifestations are collectively called asphyxia. Classifications of Asphyxia: i. General: Such as, by occlusion of the trachea, pneumothorax, etc. ii. Local: As by [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:43+00:00July 27, 2017|Respiratory System|Comments Off on Asphyxia: Classification and Conditions | Respiration | Humans | Biology

Dyspnoea: Factors and Causes | Respiration | Humans | Biology

Dyspnoea means difficulty in breathing associated with a sense of distress. It is to be differentiated from hyperpnoea which simply means hyperventilation, as occurs in muscular exercise, and is usually not associated with sense of distress, unless, of course, the exercise very severe. Factors Responsible for Dyspnoea: The factors responsible for dyspnoea may be classified into three categories: i. Alteration [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:43+00:00July 27, 2017|Respiratory System|Comments Off on Dyspnoea: Factors and Causes | Respiration | Humans | Biology

Anoxia: Classification and Therapy | Respiration | Humans | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the classification and therapy of anoxia. Anoxia is a condition characterised by inadequate or decreased supply of oxygen to the lungs because of extrinsic reasons. The term 'hypoxia' is more appropriate and is used synonymously with anoxia. Classification of Anoxia: 1. Anoxic Type of Anoxia or Arterial Hypoxia: This type is characterised by [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:43+00:00July 27, 2017|Respiratory System|Comments Off on Anoxia: Classification and Therapy | Respiration | Humans | Biology
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