Tag Archives | Birds

Top 12 Types of Flying Birds Found in India (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the top twelve types of flying birds found in India. The types are: 1. The Great Indian Bustard 2. Eudynamis 3. Corvus 4. Psittacula 5. Anas 6. Columba livia 7. Gallus Gallus 8. Neophron 9. Tyto 10. Milvus 11. Buhulcus Ibis 12. Pavo Cristatus.  Type # 1. The Great Indian Bustard (Choriotis Nigriceps): It is an [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:06+00:00December 12, 2016|India|Comments Off on Top 12 Types of Flying Birds Found in India (With Diagram)

7 Main Types of Flightless Birds found in the World

The following points highlight the seven main types of flightless birds found in the world. The types are: 1. Dodo 2. Ostrich 3. Kiwi 4. Aptenodytes 5. Rhea 6. Emu 7. Cassowary. Flightless Bird: Type # 1. Dodo: It was filghtless bird of Maurutius which became extinct in 1681. Moa Flightless Bird: Type # 2. Ostrich (Struthio): It is called Shutarmurg [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:04+00:00December 12, 2016|Birds|Comments Off on 7 Main Types of Flightless Birds found in the World

Class Aves: Characters and Classification | Animal Kingdom

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. General Characteristic of Class Aves 2. Flight Adaptations in Class Aves 3. Classifications. General Characteristics of Class Aves: Some of the general characters of class Aves the birds are listed below: 1. Birds are bipedal feathered and warm blooded (homoiothermous) animals i.e., they are able to maintain a constant body temperature. Their [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:03+00:00December 12, 2016|Birds|Comments Off on Class Aves: Characters and Classification | Animal Kingdom
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