Tag Archives | Biology

Reproduction in Fungi: Asexual, Sexual & Parasexual Reproduction | Biology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Asexual (Non-Sexual) Reproduction 2. Sexual Reproduction 3. Parasexual Reproduction. Asexual (Non-Sexual) Reproduction: Asexual reproduction is being used here in a broader sense including 'vegetative' or somatic reproduction also, in which new individuals are formed from unspecialized, detached portions of the thallus. In 'asexual' reproduction, specialized reproductive bodies are formed without involving nuclear [...]

By |2018-08-01T08:56:13+00:00August 1, 2018|Fungi|Comments Off on Reproduction in Fungi: Asexual, Sexual & Parasexual Reproduction | Biology

Recent Advancement and Research in Biological Science

In this article we will discuss about the recent advancement in biological science. 1. Anatomy: There is a number of recent advancement taking place to study the anatomy of brain; few of them are listed below: (i) Magnetic Resonance Tractograph (MRT): MRT is a non-invasive imaging tool used for studying the human anatomy. The MRT methods and techniques have the [...]

By |2018-06-18T10:55:30+00:00June 18, 2018|Biological Sciences|Comments Off on Recent Advancement and Research in Biological Science

List of Famous Biologists and their Discoveries

List of Famous Biologists and their Discoveries! 1. William Harvey (1578-1657): William Harvey was born in England in 1578. After earning a degree from Cambridge University at the age of twenty, he went to Italy to study medicine at the University of Padua. Padua was the center for western European medical instruction at that time. Harvey graduated with honours in [...]

By |2018-06-18T10:55:30+00:00June 18, 2018|Biologists|Comments Off on List of Famous Biologists and their Discoveries
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