Tag Archives | Beverages

Beverages: Tea and Coffee | Economic Botany

In this article we will discuss about the two most commonly found beverages that are found in India. 1. Tea (Hindi – Cha or Chat): Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis (L). O. Kuntze (Syn. Thea sinensis L.) Family: Theaceae 1. It is the most common non-alcoholic beverage, used by more than one-half of the world's population. 2. It is obtained from [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:46:23+00:00October 20, 2016|Economic Botany|Comments Off on Beverages: Tea and Coffee | Economic Botany

Tea and Coffee Cultivation in India

The following points highlight the two important beverages cultivated in India. The beverages are: 1. Tea Plant 2. Coffee Plant. Beverage # 1. Tea Plant (Camelia Sinensis Linn): Tea plant are evergreen shrubs or short trees, branches glabrous. Leaves of tea plants are simple, alternate, exstipulate; elliptic oblong, serrate, acute at both ends or cuspidate acuminate at apex, silky puberulous [...]

By |2016-07-27T10:53:16+00:00July 27, 2016|Economic Botany|Comments Off on Tea and Coffee Cultivation in India
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