Tag Archives | Bacteria

Taxonomy of Bacteria | Organisms | Microbiology

Medical textbooks are the last place to look for definitive taxonomic data. Medical sources are historically the most conservative in keeping abreast of changes in taxonomy and nomenclature. Such nomenclatural anachronisms as "Vibrio comma," "non-cholera vibrio," and "Salmonella typhosa" are examples of the ultraconservative approach of some medical sources to changes in nomenclature. The most comprehensive treatment of bacterial classification, [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:14+00:00November 13, 2017|Bacteria|Comments Off on Taxonomy of Bacteria | Organisms | Microbiology

How do Bacteria Grow ? | Organisms | Microbiology

A typical growth curve for a population of bacterial cells, illustrates some of the dynamics that affect the population over the course of time. The population's history may begin when several bacteria enter the human respiratory tract or are transferred to a tube of growth medium in the laboratory phases of the curve are recognized as follows: The lag phase [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:14+00:00November 13, 2017|Growth of Bacteria|Comments Off on How do Bacteria Grow ? | Organisms | Microbiology

How do Bacteria Reproduce ? | Organisms | Microbiology

Bacteria reproduce by an asexual process called binary fission. In this sequence of events, the chromosome duplicates, the cell elongates, and the plasma membrane pinches inward at the center of the cell. When the nuclear material has been evenly distributed, the cell wall thickens and grows inward to separate the dividing cell. No mitotic structures (e.g., spindle, aster) are present [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:14+00:00November 13, 2017|Bacteria|Comments Off on How do Bacteria Reproduce ? | Organisms | Microbiology
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