Tag Archives | Bacteria

7 Special Groups of Bacteria

List of seven special groups of bacteria:- 1. Mollicutes 2. L-Forms 3. Rickettsia 4. Fastidious Vascular Bacteria 5. Chlamydias 6. Spirochaetes 7. Actinomycetes. Special Group # 1. Mollicutes (Mycoplasmas): The mollicutes represent a group of eubacteria. The common name for this group has traditionally been mycoplasmas. However, this usage invites confusion, since it is often not clear whether "mycoplasmaā€¯ is [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:12:12+00:00September 16, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on 7 Special Groups of Bacteria

Staining Procedures for Detecting Bacteria

In this article we will discuss about the staining procedure used for detecting bacteria. 1. Simple Staining Procedure: When a single staining-reagent is used and all cells and their structures stain in the same manner, the procedure is called simple staining procedure. This procedure is of two types - positive and negative (Fig. 17.5). In positive staining, the stain (e.g., [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:10:51+00:00September 16, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on Staining Procedures for Detecting Bacteria

Growth in Bacteria: 4 Main Phases

The following points highlight the four main phases of growth in bacteria. The phases are: 1. Lag Phase 2. Log or Exponential Growth Phase 3. Stationary Phase 4. Death or Decline Phase. 1. Lag Phase: Lag phase represents a period of active growth during which bacteria prepare for reproduction, synthesizing DNA, various inducible enzymes, and other macromolecules needed for cell [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:10:43+00:00September 16, 2016|Growth of Bacteria|Comments Off on Growth in Bacteria: 4 Main Phases
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