Tag Archives | Autopolyploids

Autoriploidy: Fertility and Phenotypic Effects

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Origin and Occurrence of Triploids 2. Chromosome Pairing and Chiasma Formation in Auto-Triploids 3. Fertility of Auto-Triploids 4. Pneotypic Effects of Auto-Triploidy. Origin and Occurrence of Triploids: (i) Triploids originate from hybridization between auto-tetraploids (4x) and diploids (2x). The autotetraploid produces diploid (2a) gametes which when fertilized by a normal monoploid (x) [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:51:00+00:00July 12, 2016|Chromosomes|Comments Off on Autoriploidy: Fertility and Phenotypic Effects

Autotetraploids: Origin and Chromosome Pairing | Euploidy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Origin and Occurrence of Autotetraploids 2. Chromosome Pairing and Chiasma Formation in Autotetraploids 3. Fertility 4. Genetics. Origin and Occurrence of Autotetraploids: Autotetraploids originate both spontaneously and can be experimentally induced; the various means of their origin are briefly described below: A. Spontaneous origin: (1) In diploid (2x) plants, sometimes a tetraploid [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:50:59+00:00July 12, 2016|Chromosome Number|Comments Off on Autotetraploids: Origin and Chromosome Pairing | Euploidy
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