6 Most Important Orders of Xanthophyceae Class (436 Words)

There are six orders in Xanthophyceae classes, i.e.: 1. Heterococcales and 2. Rhizochlo- ridales, 3. Heterocapsales, 4. Heterotrichales, 5. Heterococcales and 6. Heterosiphonales. 1. Heterochioridales (i) The plant body is flagellated, naked and unicellular. Image Curtsey: http://www.wfdireland.ie/docs/5_FreshwaterPearlMusselPlans/Background%20Documents/(ii) Each cell contains two or more discoid or band-shaped chromatophores and one or more contractile vacuoles in the protoplast. (iii) Reproduction takes place [...]