Tag Archives | Antibody

Structure of Antibody (With Diagram) | Organisms | Immunology | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of antibody with the help of suitable diagram. Also learn about the production of monoclonal antibodies. The chemical substance produced by the body against the antigen is called antibody. Antibodies belong to a group referred to as gamma globulins and are called immuno globulins. They have molecular weight between 160,000 and [...]

By |2017-08-09T19:42:37+00:00August 9, 2017|Immunology|Comments Off on Structure of Antibody (With Diagram) | Organisms | Immunology | Biology

Serology for Recognition of Antigen & Antibody

The following points highlight the top two types of serology for recognition of antigen and antibody. The types are: 1. Agglutination 2. Precipitation. Serology: Type # 1. Agglutination: (a) Widal Test (Fig. 8.1): In the routine laboratory diagnostic Widal reaction, the patient's serum is tested simultaneously with the antigen of each organism likely to be responsible for enteric fever in [...]

By |2016-05-19T13:09:39+00:00May 16, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Serology for Recognition of Antigen & Antibody
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