Tag Archives | Articles on Animals

Excretion in Animals: Definition, Modes and Excretory Wastes

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Excretion 2. Modes of Excretion 3. Other Excretory Wastes. Definition of Excretion: It is the elimination of metabolic waste products from the animal body to regulate the composition of the body fluids and tissues. The terms excretion and defecation should not be confused. Defecation is the removal of wastes and [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:53:55+00:00September 6, 2016|Excretion|Comments Off on Excretion in Animals: Definition, Modes and Excretory Wastes

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Animals | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the asexual and sexual methods of reproduction in animals. A new animal comes into existence by the transformation of some part of a pre-existing animal; this is reproduction. The animals reproduce their kind by two fundamental methods: (1) Asexual, and (2) Sexual. Asexual reproduction involves only one parent and no special reproductive structures. [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:53+00:00August 30, 2016|Animals|Comments Off on Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Animals | Zoology

Classification and Nomenclature of Animals | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the classification and nomenclature of animals. Classification of Animals: It is a matter of common observation that individuals related to one another tend to be similar and the degree of the similarity depends upon the degree of the kinship. Animals which are like enough to be included in the same species owe their [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:43+00:00August 30, 2016|Animals|Comments Off on Classification and Nomenclature of Animals | Zoology
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