Tag Archives | Angiosperm

Classification of Sapindales: 6 Families | Dicotyledonae

In this article we will discuss about the classification of Sapindales. According to Engler, Sapindales consists of six families:- 1. Anacardiaceae 2. Auifoliaceae 3. Celastraceae 4. Sapindaceae 5. Aceraceae 6. Hippocastanaceae. Family # 1. Anacardiaceae: Anacardiaceae are trees or shrubs, rarely woody vines, containing resin-passages with plenty of gum and acrid juice. Leaves are simple or pinnate, alternate, rarely, opposite [...]

By |2016-07-25T13:41:59+00:00July 25, 2016|Dicotyledonae|Comments Off on Classification of Sapindales: 6 Families | Dicotyledonae

Short Notes on Cactaceae| Dicotyledonae

Cactaceae are strongly xerophytic herbs or shrubs, rarely trees; roots elongated, slender, fleshy, occasionally tuberosus, often a well-developed tap-root occurs; stem fleshy, usually modified into phylloclade's of various shapes, flat or cylindric, angular, ribbed, often globose, provided with spines or thorns, rarely bearing normal leaves. Flowers are solitary or in clusters, rarely paniculate or spikate, usually sessile, hermaphrodite, actino­morphic or [...]

By |2016-07-25T13:40:32+00:00July 25, 2016|Dicotyledonae|Comments Off on Short Notes on Cactaceae| Dicotyledonae

Classification of Parietales: 11 Families | Dicotyledonae

In this article we will discuss about the classification of Parietales. According to Engler, Parietales consists of eleven families:-  1. Dilleniaceae 2. Ochnaceae 3. Theaceae 4. Guttiferae 5. Dipterocarpaceae 6. Tamaricaceae 7. Bixaceae 8. Violaceae 9. Flacourtiaceae 10. Passifloraceae 11. Begoniaceae.  Family # 1. Dilleniaceae: Dilleniaceae are trees, shrubs, woody climbers or rarely under-shrubs; some are deciduous. Leaves are alternate, [...]

By |2016-07-25T13:40:32+00:00July 25, 2016|Dicotyledonae|Comments Off on Classification of Parietales: 11 Families | Dicotyledonae
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