Tag Archives | Amphibians

Neoteny: History, Factors and Significance | Amphibians

In this article we will discuss about Neoteny:- 1. History of Neoteny 2. Types of Neoteny 3. Factors 4. Genetics 5. Significance. Contents: History of Neoteny Types of Neoteny Factors for Neoteny Genetics of Neoteny Significance of Neoteny 1. History of Neoteny: Since many years the size difference of the adult and larval phase of spotted salamander was noted. The [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:30+00:00July 22, 2016|Amphibians|Comments Off on Neoteny: History, Factors and Significance | Amphibians

Top 6 Characteristics of Amphibians | Phylum Chordata

The following points highlight the top six characteristics of amphibians. The characteristics are: 1. External Features 2. Internal Features 3. Fertilization 4. Development 5. Chromosome Number 6. Physiological Adaptive Features. Characteristic # 1. External Features: a. The amphibians are ectothermic vertebrates. b. Skin is naked, moist and highly glanĀ­dular. c. Dermal scales are present in some members of apodans (e.g., [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:30+00:00July 22, 2016|Amphibians|Comments Off on Top 6 Characteristics of Amphibians | Phylum Chordata
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