Tag Archives | Algae

Classification of Zygnematales: 2 Families | Algae

The following points highlight the two families under which zygamatales has been classified. The families are: 1. Zygnemataceae 2. Desmidiaceae. Family # 1. Zygnemataceae: This family includes fresh-water multicellular filamentous forms of algae. Genus Spirogyra of Zygnemataceae: It is one of the common green algae occurring chiefly in ponds, pools, ditches, and similar other places. It prefers still, rather than [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:30:10+00:00October 17, 2016|Algae|Comments Off on Classification of Zygnematales: 2 Families | Algae

Classification of Chaetophorales (With Diagram) | Algae

The following points highlight the four families under which chaetophorales has been classified. The families are: 1. Chaetophoraceae 2. Coleochaetaceae 3. Trentepohliaceae 4. Pleurococcaceae. Family # 1. Chaetophoraceae: Chaetophoralean algae are heterotrichous in habit frequently bearing terminal or lateral hair-like projections. In their heterotrichy both the erect and prostrate portions of the plant may be well developed (e.g., Stigeoclonium) or [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:30:10+00:00October 17, 2016|Algae|Comments Off on Classification of Chaetophorales (With Diagram) | Algae

Phaeophyta: Features and Relationships | Algae

In this article we will discuss about the general features and phylogenetic relationships of phaeophyta.  General Features of Phaeophyta: The Phaeophyta or brown algae, in general, are restricted to the sea—the sea­weeds, with a few exceptional fresh-water forms (species of Heribaudiella, Sphacelaria, Lithoderma, Pseudobodanella and Pleurocladia lacustris, A. Br.). Usually the marine members are abundant in cold-waters. But warm-water brown [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:30:10+00:00October 17, 2016|Algae|Comments Off on Phaeophyta: Features and Relationships | Algae
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