Archive | Zoology

Structure of Sea Pen (Pennatula) | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of Sea Pen (Pennatula) with the help of diagrams.   1. It is commonly known as "sea pen" and is found in the eastern coasts of North America. 2. The colour is usually red and the fully formed colony measures about 10 cm in height. 3. The colony is elongated, dimomorphic, [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:19:06+00:00October 13, 2016|Practicals|Comments Off on Structure of Sea Pen (Pennatula) | Zoology

Structure of Spongilla (With Diagram) | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of spongilla with the help of a diagram. 1. It is a common freshwater colonial sponge found usually attached to sticks or pieces of wood in lakes and ponds. 2. Usually yellowish brown in colour and comprised of numerous small individuals with a common flat base. 3. Every individual is perforated [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:19:06+00:00October 13, 2016|Practicals|Comments Off on Structure of Spongilla (With Diagram) | Zoology

Structure of Tubipora (With Diagram) | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of Tubipora with the help of a diagram. 1. It is the dried skeleton of "Organ Dice coral" which is found off the coral reefs almost in all seas. 2. The colony is of red colour and is comprised of large numbers of vertical CaCO3 tubes of different sizes. 3. The [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:19:05+00:00October 13, 2016|Practicals|Comments Off on Structure of Tubipora (With Diagram) | Zoology
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