Archive | Amphibians

Pademorphosis: Meaning and Types | Amphibians

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and types of pademorphosis. Meaning of Paedomorphosis: The phenomenon of attainment of sexual maturity leading to reproduction in an arrested larval stage (pre-adult stage) is called Paedogenesis (Gk. pais; child; morphe form). The term first used by Von Baer (1866). Neoteny (Gk. neos, young, teinein, to stretch), a term first introduced [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:31+00:00July 22, 2016|Amphibians|Comments Off on Pademorphosis: Meaning and Types | Amphibians

15 Main Types of Amphibians (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the fifteen main types of amphibians. The types are: 1. Giant Salamander (Family Cryptobranchidae) 2. Cryptobranchus (Family Cryptobranchidae) 3. Necturus (Family Proteidae) 4. Proteus (Family Proteidae) 5. Siren (Family Sirenidae) 6. Amphiuma (Family Amphiumidae) 7. Ambystoma (Family Ambystomatidae) 8. Triturus (Family Salamandridae) and Others. Type # 1. Giant Salamander (Family Cryptobranchidae): Megalobatrachus (Fig. 7.29A) is a [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:31+00:00July 22, 2016|Amphibians|Comments Off on 15 Main Types of Amphibians (With Diagram)

Parental Care Provided by Amphibians | Phylum Chordata

In this article we will discuss about the parental care provided by amphibians. Introduction to Parental Care: The amphibians were the pioneers amongst the vertebrates to invade land. On coming to this new environment they had to face many hostile forces and they had to develop various ways and means to overcome the obstacles. Naturally greatest importance was given to [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:30+00:00July 22, 2016|Amphibians|Comments Off on Parental Care Provided by Amphibians | Phylum Chordata
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