Archive | Stomata

Stomata: Definition, Types and Functions (with Diagrams) | Botany

Let us learn about Stomata. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Definition of Stomata 2. Types of Stomata 3. Top function of Stomata. Definition of Stomata: The stomata are minute pores which occur in the epidermis of the plants. Each stoma remains surrounded by two kidneys or bean shaped epidermal cells the guard cells. The stomata may [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:17:38+00:00February 2, 2016|Stomata|Comments Off on Stomata: Definition, Types and Functions (with Diagrams) | Botany

Factors Affecting Opening and Closing of Stomata: 4 Factors

The following four points will highlight the four major factors affecting opening and closing of stomata. The four factors affecting opening and closing of stomata are: (1) Light (2) Water Content of Epidermal Cells (3) Temperature and (4) Mineral Elements. The aforementioned details pertain to the mechanism of opening and closing of photoactive stomata (i.e., stomata that open during day [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:43:51+00:00October 24, 2015|Stomata|Comments Off on Factors Affecting Opening and Closing of Stomata: 4 Factors

Stomata: Structure, Number, Distribution and Type of Stomata | Transpiration

Let us make in-depth study of the structure, number, distribution and types of stomata. Stomata was discovered by Pfeffer & name 'stomata' was given by Malphigii. Stomata cover 1-2% of leaf area. It is minute pore present in soft aerial parts of the plant. Algae, fungi and submerged plants do not possess stomata. (a) Stomata are minute pores of eliptical [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:44:50+00:00October 24, 2015|Stomata|Comments Off on Stomata: Structure, Number, Distribution and Type of Stomata | Transpiration
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