Archive | Tissue Cultures

Four Basic Types of Tissue Found in Human and Animals

The following points highlight the four basic types of tissue found in human and animals. The four types are: 1. Epithelial Tissue 2. Connective Tissue 3. Muscle Tissue and 4. Nervous Tissue. Tissue Type # 1. Epithelial Tissue: Epithelium is a tissue composed of layers of cells that line the cavities and surfaces of structures through­out the body. It is [...]

By |2015-12-21T07:38:09+00:00December 1, 2015|Tissue Cultures|Comments Off on Four Basic Types of Tissue Found in Human and Animals

Conditions and Stages of Tissue Culture (With Diagram)

In this article, we will discuss about the conditions and stages of tissue culture. Conditions of Tissue Culture: I. Aseptic Conditions in Laboratory: The tissue culture laboratory should have aseptic conditions. It means it should be well sterilized against pathogens. A pathogen free environment will help in maintaining good health of the callus, cell or protoplast cultures resulting in recovery [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:09:47+00:00October 24, 2015|Stages|Comments Off on Conditions and Stages of Tissue Culture (With Diagram)

Applications of Tissue Culture: 5 Applications

The five applications of the tissue culture are: (1) Rapid Clonal Propagation (2) Soma-clonal Variation (3) Transgenic Plants (4) Induction and Selection of Mutations and (5) Resistance to Weedicides. Application # 1. Rapid Clonal Propagation: A clone is a group of individuals or cells derived from a single parent individual or cell through asexual reproduction. All the cells in callus [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:10:24+00:00October 24, 2015|Applications|Comments Off on Applications of Tissue Culture: 5 Applications
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