Archive | Soil

6 Adverse Effects of Soil Pollutants | Soil Pollution

This article throws light upon the six adverse effects of soil pollutants. The adverse effects are: 1. Effects of Industrial Pollutants 2. Effects of Urban Waste Products 3. Effects of Radioactive Pollutants 4. Effects of Pesticides 5. Effects of Biological Agents 6. Effects of Soil Sediments. Adverse Effect of Soil Pollutant # 1. Effects of Industrial Pollutants: 1. Industrial effluents [...]

By |2015-11-27T06:49:35+00:00November 26, 2015|Pollutants|Comments Off on 6 Adverse Effects of Soil Pollutants | Soil Pollution

Soil Fertility Improvement: Biological Materials used for Maintaining and Improving Soil Fertility

Materials of biological origin commonly used for maintaining and improving soil fertility belong to two categories: (i) Green Manures and (ii) Bio-fertilizers. Manures supply practically all nutrients required by crops. Farm yard manure consists of rotten vegetable and animal refuse. 1. Green Manure: Quick growing leguminous crops are cultivated and ploughed into the soil while still green, commonly used green [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:42:37+00:00October 24, 2015|Soil Fertility|Comments Off on Soil Fertility Improvement: Biological Materials used for Maintaining and Improving Soil Fertility

Types of Water Available in the Soil: 4 Types

The following points highlight the four types of water available in the soil. They are: (1) Gravitational Water or Ground Water (2) Capillary Water (3) Hygroscopic Water and (4) Chemically Combined Water. Type # 1. Gravitational Water or Ground Water: After a heavy rain or on application of irrigation water, the surface layer of a soil is temporarily saturated. This [...]

By |2015-10-16T11:05:06+00:00October 16, 2015|Types|Comments Off on Types of Water Available in the Soil: 4 Types
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