Archive | Shoot System

Secondary Growth in Dicotyledonous Stems (With Diagram)

Secondary Growth in Dicotyledonous Stems (With Diagram)! Introduction: The dicotyledonous stems show distinct secondary growth in thickness, as they us­ually possess collateral open vascular bundles. The cambium present in the bundle, other­wise known as a fascicular cambium, mainly produces secondary tissues at the initial stage. Normally a few methods of secondary increase have been found in the dicotyle­donous stems. The [...]

By |2015-10-16T11:05:05+00:00October 16, 2015|Dicotyledonous Stems|Comments Off on Secondary Growth in Dicotyledonous Stems (With Diagram)

Internal Structure of Stem (With Diagram)

The below mentioned article provides an outline of internal structure of stem of both dicotyledons and monocotyledons type. The embryo develops into a plant with root-stem axis and the appendages. In fact, three important organs of a plant are the stem, the leaves and the root. The continuity of the tissues, and particularly the vascular system, has been discussed in [...]

By |2015-10-16T11:05:02+00:00October 16, 2015|Stems|Comments Off on Internal Structure of Stem (With Diagram)

Modifications of Stem: Underground, Sub-aerial and Aerial Modification

The below mentioned article will highlight the three types of modification of stem. They are: (1) Underground Modifications for Perennation, Vegetative Propagation and Storage (2) Sub Aerial Modifications for Vegetative Propagation and Perennation and (3) Aerial Modifications. A. Underground Modifications for Perennation, Vegetative Propagation and Storage: A number of herbaceous plants find it impossible to survive above ground during unfavourable [...]

By |2015-10-16T11:04:49+00:00October 15, 2015|Stems|Comments Off on Modifications of Stem: Underground, Sub-aerial and Aerial Modification
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