Archive | Protozoa

Characters of Ciliated Protozoans: 12 Characters

The following points highlight the twelve characters of ciliated protozoans.  (i) Ciliates are protozoan protists which develop a number of cilia during a part or whole of the life cycle. (ii) Cilia are used for locomotion and driving food. (iii) There is a high degree of morphological and physiological specialization. (iv) Most ciliates are free living individuals in fresh and [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:40+00:00September 6, 2016|Protozoa|Comments Off on Characters of Ciliated Protozoans: 12 Characters

Examples of Amoeboid Protozoans (With Diagram)

List of six examples of Amoeboid Protozoans.  Example # 1. Amoeba Proteus-The Proteus Animalcule: Amoeba was discovered by Russel von Rosenhoff in 1755. H.I. Hirschfied (1962) has given a detailed account of the biology of Amoeba. It is found in fresh water. Types of pseudopodia are lobo podia. A contractile vacuole is present for osmoregulation. Mitochondria are often seen aggregated [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:40+00:00September 6, 2016|Protozoa|Comments Off on Examples of Amoeboid Protozoans (With Diagram)

Examples of Flagellated Protozoans (With Diagram)

List of eleven examples of flagellated protozoans.  Example # 1. Trypanosoma Gambiense: The parasite of sleeping sickness. It was first ob­served by Forde in 1901. Fruce discovered that the parasite of sleeping sickness is transmitted by tsetse fly. It causes Gambian sleeping sickness. The disease, also called Gambian trypanosomiasis, is found in western and central parts of Africa. The parasite [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:40+00:00September 6, 2016|Protozoa|Comments Off on Examples of Flagellated Protozoans (With Diagram)
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