Archive | Plant Diseases

Notes on Disease Severity in Wheat

The below mentioned article provides notes on diseases severity in wheat. Several diseases rating scales has been proposed by various workers for evaluation of resistance in wheat and barley. Adlakha (1984) gave 0-5 disease severity scale which is less precise to differentiate the available wheat genotypes to foliar blight. Per cent leaf area scale of Conner (1990) and Hetzler (1992) [...]

By |2016-07-28T09:54:27+00:00July 28, 2016|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on Notes on Disease Severity in Wheat

Spot Blotch Disease in Wheat: Introduction, Occurrence and Symptoms | Plant Diseases

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Spot Blotch Disease 2. Occurrence of Spot Blotch Disease 3. Yield Losses due to Spot Blotch Disease 4. Taxonomy of Spot Blotch Disease Pathogen 5. Symptoms 6. Host Range 7. Sporulation 8. Association of Resistance 9. Spread. Contents: Introduction to Spot Blotch Disease Occurrence of Spot Blotch Disease Yield Losses [...]

By |2016-07-28T09:54:26+00:00July 28, 2016|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on Spot Blotch Disease in Wheat: Introduction, Occurrence and Symptoms | Plant Diseases

Bipolaris Sorokiniana: Sources, Aggressiveness and Structure | Wheat

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Source of Inoculum of Bipolaris Sorokiniana 2. Environmental Influence of Bipolaris Sorokiniana 3. Aggressiveness 4. Cytology 5. Mutation 6. Mating Types 7. Population Structure. Source of Inoculum of Bipolaris Sorokiniana: 1. Seed: The main source of inoculum of Bipolaris sorokiniana is infected seeds. Shrestha (1977) and Shrestha (1977) reported the presence of [...]

By |2016-07-28T09:54:26+00:00July 28, 2016|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on Bipolaris Sorokiniana: Sources, Aggressiveness and Structure | Wheat
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