Archive | Growth of Plants

Top 3 Plant Growth Promoters: Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinins

The top three plant growth promoters are: (1) Auxins (2) Gibberellins and (3) Cytokinins. Plant Growth Promoter # 1. Auxins: Auxins are the best known plant growth regulators. They promote growth of stem or coleoptile sections and decapitated (apex removed) coleoptiles, but in the same concentration are incapable of causing growth in intact plants. Auxins are defined as “An organic [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:08:41+00:00October 24, 2015|Growth of Plants|Comments Off on Top 3 Plant Growth Promoters: Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinins

Top 2 Plant Growth Inhibitors: Abscisic Acid and Ethylene

Let us make an in-depth study of the top two plant growth inhibitors. The top two plant growth inhibitors are: (1) Abscisic Acid and (2) Ethylene. Some plant hormones result in inhibition, rather than stimulation, of growth and development in plants. Although in the past a number of inhibitory substances have been isolated, their true role as naturally occurring growth [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:08:48+00:00October 24, 2015|Growth of Plants|Comments Off on Top 2 Plant Growth Inhibitors: Abscisic Acid and Ethylene

Plants Growth: Characteristics, Development, Phases and Factors

Let us make an in-depth study of the characteristics, differentiation, development, phases and factors affecting plant growth. Characteristics of Plants Growth: Growth is the manifestation of life. All organisms, the simplest as well as the most intricate, are slowly changing the whole time they are alive. They transform material into more of themselves. From such ingredients as minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:09:34+00:00October 24, 2015|Growth of Plants|Comments Off on Plants Growth: Characteristics, Development, Phases and Factors
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