Archive | Growth Hormones

Totipotency and its Relation to Tissue Culture in Plants

In this article, we will discuss about the totipotency and its relation to tissue culture studies in plants. It is now generally considered that every living cell in a plant possesses the potentially of producing an entire new plant or in other words it is totipotent. This phenomenon of capabil­ity of such a totipotent cell in generating an entire new [...]

By |2016-02-24T13:43:02+00:00February 24, 2016|Growth Hormones|Comments Off on Totipotency and its Relation to Tissue Culture in Plants

8 Major Physiological Effects of Kinetin | Plants

The following points highlight the eight major physiological effects of Kinetin. The physiological effects are: 1. Cell Division 2. Cell Enlargement 3. Initiation of Inter-fascicular Cambium 4. Morphogenesis 5. Counteraction of Apical Dominance 6. Dormancy of Seeds 7. Delay of senescence: The Richmond-Lang Effect and 8. Promotion of Chloroplast Development. Physiological Effect # 1. Cell Division: One of the most [...]

By |2016-02-24T13:43:01+00:00February 24, 2016|Growth Hormones|Comments Off on 8 Major Physiological Effects of Kinetin | Plants

Study Notes on Auxin (With Diagram) | Plants

After reading this article you will learn about 1. Discovery and Chemical Nature of Auxin 2. Distribution of Auxin (IAA) in Plant 3. Biosynthesis of Auxin (IAA) in Plants and 4. Destruction/Inactivation of Auxin in Plant. Discovery and Chemical Nature of Auxin: The discovery of auxins dates back to last quarter of the 19th century when Charles Darwin was studying [...]

By |2016-02-24T13:43:01+00:00February 24, 2016|Growth Hormones|Comments Off on Study Notes on Auxin (With Diagram) | Plants
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