Archive | Flowering Plants

Top 5 Major Kingdoms of Flowering Plants in India

The following points highlight the five major kingdoms of flowering plants in India. The kingdoms are: 1. Kingdom Monera — The Kingdom of Procaryotes 2. Kingdom Protista — The Kingdom of Unicellular Eucaryotes 3. Kingdom Fungi — The Kingdom of Multicellular Decomposers 4. Kingdom Plantae — The Kingdom of Multicellular Producers 5. Kingdom Animalia—The Kingdom of Multicellular Consumers. Flowering Plants [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:18:08+00:00February 2, 2016|Flowering Plants|Comments Off on Top 5 Major Kingdoms of Flowering Plants in India

Taxonomy of Indian Flowering Plants (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the ten modern trends in taxonomy of Indian flowering plants. The trends are: 1. Gross Morphological 2. Anatomical 3. Pollen Morphology or Palynological 4. Chemotaxonomy 5. Serotaxonomy 6. Palaeontological 7. Ontogenetical 8. Cytogenetics and Biosystematics 9. Embryology and Taxonomy 10. Numerical Taxonomy. Taxonomy: Trend # 1. Gross Morphological: Turril says, the morphology, either of plants or [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:18:08+00:00February 2, 2016|Flowering Plants|Comments Off on Taxonomy of Indian Flowering Plants (With Diagram)

Nomenclature Plants: History, Common Names and Advantages | Botany

Let us learn about Nomenclature Plants. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. History of Nomenclature Plants 2. Common Names of the Nomenclature Plants 3. Botanical Names 4. International Rules 5. Main Points of the International Code 6. Advantages of Binomial System. History of Nomenclature Plants: The present day binomial system of nomenclature has a long evolutionary development. [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:18:08+00:00February 2, 2016|Flowering Plants|Comments Off on Nomenclature Plants: History, Common Names and Advantages | Botany
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