Archive | Plant Taxonomy

Morphology and Plant Taxonomy

In this article we will discuss about the Morphology in Relation to Plant Taxonomy. Morphology Characters of Plants: Morphological characters of the plants have provided the foundation and framework for taxonomy and they have been used extensively in the preparation of classification systems, diagnostic keys, etc. Although, in recent years the synthetic approach has fast developed, yet the traditional method [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:18+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Morphology and Plant Taxonomy

Top 5 Eminent Plant Taxonomists | Plant Classification

The following points highlight the five eminent plant taxonomists. The taxonomists are: 1. John Hutchinson 2. Armen Takhtajan 3. Arthur Cronquist  4. Rolf M.T. Dahlgren 5. Robert Thome. Taxonomist # 1. John Hutchinson (1884-1972): John Hutchinson a British botanist from England, associated with the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, proposed a phylogenetic system of classification, that in its basic principles somewhat [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:18+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Top 5 Eminent Plant Taxonomists | Plant Classification

Chemotaxonomy: Meaning and Stages | Plant Taxonomy

In this article we will discuss about the Meaning and Stages of Chemotaxonomy. Meaning of Chemotaxonomy: Chemical systematics is the study of chemical variation in different organisms and their relationships and this approach of taxonomy in which chemical features of plants are used in developing classifications or in solving taxonomic problems is called Chemotaxonomy. Data from chemistry of plant products [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:18+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Chemotaxonomy: Meaning and Stages | Plant Taxonomy
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