Archive | Plant Taxonomy

Herbarium: Meaning, Functions and Kinds

In this article we will discuss about Herbarium:- 1. History of Herbarium 2. Meaning of Herbarium 3. Functions 4. Kinds 5. Important Herbarium 6. Herbarium of Other Groups of Plants.  Contents: History of Herbarium Meaning of Herbarium Functions of Herbarium Kinds of Herbarium Important Herbarium of the World Herbarium of Other Groups of Plants 1. History of Herbarium: The art [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:21+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Herbarium|Comments Off on Herbarium: Meaning, Functions and Kinds

Preparing a Herbarium: 8 Steps| Plant Taxonomy

The following points highlight the eight main steps to be followed for preparing a herbarium. The steps are: 1. Rules for Herbarium Plant Collection 2. Tools and Equipment's 3. Identification and Classification Back at Home 4. Setting the Plants Up 5. Special Treatments 6. Drying Plant Specimens 7. Mounting of Specimens on Herbarium Sheets 8. Herbarium Organization. Step # 1. Rules [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:21+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Herbarium|Comments Off on Preparing a Herbarium: 8 Steps| Plant Taxonomy

Naming of Plants: Common, Scientific and Generic

In this article we will discuss about the Naming of Plants:- 1. Common Names 2. Scientific Names 3. Binomial Nomenclature 4. Generic Name 5. Specific Epithet. Naming of Plant # 1. Common Names: It is the name given to a plant by people in a particular area or locality. It is the vernacular name or local name. In a multilingual [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:21+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Naming of Plants: Common, Scientific and Generic
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