Archive | Stress Physiology

Flooding Stress: Effects And Responses | Plant Physiology

In this article we will discuss about Flooding Stress. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Detrimental Effects of Flooding Stress on Metabolism 2. Adaptive Responses to Flooding Stress. Detrimental Effects of Flooding Stress on Metabolism: i. Effects on Respiration: A reduction in aerobic respiration in roots is the initial effect of anaerobic soil conditions. Since conservation of [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:50:26+00:00May 2, 2016|Stress Physiology|Comments Off on Flooding Stress: Effects And Responses | Plant Physiology

Water Deficit and Drought Resistance in Plants

Let us make an in-depth study of water deficit and drought resistance in plants. After reading this article you will learn about A. Water Deficit and Drought Resistance in Xerophytes and B. Water Deficit and Drought Resistance in Mesophytes. One of the most common environmental stresses encountered by plants during certain periods of the year is water deficit or negative [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:51+00:00March 3, 2016|Stress Physiology|Comments Off on Water Deficit and Drought Resistance in Plants

Jasmonate: Study-Notes (With Diagram)

The below mentioned article provides a study note on jasmonate. After reading this article you will learn about 1. Biosynthesis of Jasmonate 2. Role of Jasmonate as Plant Growth Regulator and 3. Role of Jasmonate as Signalling Agent in Plant Defense Responses. Jasmonate (Jasmonic acid or JA) is a 12-C unsaturated fatty acid with a cyclopentane ring structure and a [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:51+00:00March 3, 2016|Stress Physiology|Comments Off on Jasmonate: Study-Notes (With Diagram)
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