Archive | Nitrogen Fixation

Process of Nitrogen Cycle (With Diagram)

The nitrogen cycle consists of four processes. The processes are: (1) Biological Nitrogen Fixation (2) Ammonification (3) Nitrification and (4) Denitrification. The main processes comprising this cycle of changes are as follows: I. The transformation of atmospheric gaseous nitrogen by micro-organisms and certain photo- synthetic bacteria and blue-green algae into the combined form of NH4+ nourishing the bacteria and the [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:19:34+00:00February 2, 2016|Process|Comments Off on Process of Nitrogen Cycle (With Diagram)

Nitrogen Cycle (With Diagram)

Nitrogen Cycle (With Diagram)! Introduction to Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrogen cycle, one of the nature's most vital dynamic cycles, operates through continuous exchange of N2 within the ecosystem. The atmospheric nitrogen is converted into its compounds and the combined nitrogen again passes back to the atmosphere. Nitrogen and its compounds (e.g., proteins, amino acids, vitamins, nucleic acids, enzymes and alkaloids etc.) [...]

By |2015-11-27T06:49:39+00:00November 26, 2015|Nitrogen Fixation|Comments Off on Nitrogen Cycle (With Diagram)

Nitrogen Fixation Types: Physical and Biological Nitrogen Fixation (With Diagram)

Let us make in-depth study of the two types of nitrogen fixation. The two types of nitrogen fixation are: (1) Physical Nitrogen Fixation and (2) Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Apart from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, nitrogen is the most prevalent essential macro-element in living organisms. Plants need nitrogen to build amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, cytochromes, chlorophylls, alkaloids, phytohormones and many [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:42:16+00:00October 24, 2015|Types|Comments Off on Nitrogen Fixation Types: Physical and Biological Nitrogen Fixation (With Diagram)
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