Archive | Milk Microbiology

Microorganisms Occurring in Milk: 3 Types

The following points highlight the three types of microorganisms that occur in milk. The types are: 1. Biochemical Types 2. Temperature Characteristic Types 3. Pathogenic Types. 1. Biochemical Types: This group consists of those microorganisms occurring in milk which bring about biochemical changes in it. They are: (i) Acid forming microbes. (ii) Gas forming microbes. (iii) Ropy-milk forming microbes, (iv) [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:08:15+00:00September 16, 2016|Milk Microbiology|Comments Off on Microorganisms Occurring in Milk: 3 Types

Classification of Milk: 3 Types | Milk Microbiology

The following points highlight the three types of milk. The types are: 1. Fresh Milk 2. Pasteurized Milk 3. Fermented Milk. Type # 1. Fresh Milk: This milk is endowed with all the naturally occurring constituents provided the milking is done perfectly asceptically and the milking cattle are healthy. This milk has great nutritional value. In Ayurveda this milk has [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:08:13+00:00September 16, 2016|Milk Microbiology|Comments Off on Classification of Milk: 3 Types | Milk Microbiology

Contamination of Milk by Microorganisms | Milk Microbiology

The following points highlight the four mediums of contamination of milk by microorganisms. The mediums are: 1. The Dairy Cattle 2. The Milking Area 3. The Milking Equipment 4. Persons Handling Milk. Medium # 1. The Dairy Cattle: Milk contains microorganisms at the time of the its being drawn (milking) from the dairy cattle. A number of diseases like tuberculosis, [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:08:11+00:00September 16, 2016|Milk Microbiology|Comments Off on Contamination of Milk by Microorganisms | Milk Microbiology
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