Archive | Microbiology

Designs of Electron Microscope | Laboratories | Microbiology

Electron microscopes are of three basic designs – the transmission electron microscope, scanning electron microscope and the scanning transmission electron microscope. The third one is a hybrid of the two, Specimen as the name implies. Scanning and transmission electron microscopes are similar in that each uses a beam of electrons to produce an image. However, the instruments use quite different [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:15+00:00November 13, 2017|Electron Microscope|Comments Off on Designs of Electron Microscope | Laboratories | Microbiology

How to Kill Infection Causing Organisms ? (7 Physical Agents) | Microbiology

Here is a list of seven effective physical agents that can kill infection causing organisms:- 1. Electricity 2. Sonic and Supersonic Waves 3. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rays 4. Electrons 5. Cathode Rays 6. X Rays 7. Distilled Water. Physical Agent # 1. Electricity: Beattie and Lewis (1920) employed a current of about 4000 volts and 2 amp. for 4 [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:15+00:00November 13, 2017|Physical Agents|Comments Off on How to Kill Infection Causing Organisms ? (7 Physical Agents) | Microbiology

4 Main Methods of Sterilization | Organisms | Microbiology

Among the various methods followed for controlling microbial activity, the best by far is sterilization as it eliminates all the microbes. Sterilization is achieved by the following methods: 1. Physical Methods 2. Radiation Methods 3. Ultrasonic Methods 4. Chemical Methods. 1. Physical Methods: Physical methods of sterilization include killing of microbes by applying moist heat as in steaming or dry [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:15+00:00November 13, 2017|Sterilization Methods|Comments Off on 4 Main Methods of Sterilization | Organisms | Microbiology
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