Archive | Mendel

Mendel and his Laws of Heredity: An Overview

The below mentioned article provides an overview on Mendel and his Laws of Heredity:- 1. Introduction to Mendel and his Laws of Heredity 2. Mendel's Experiments 3. Terminology used in Mendelian Laws 4. Mendel's Laws of Inheritance or Laws of Heredity 5. Biological Importance of Mendelism. Contents: Introduction to Mendel and his Laws of Heredity Mendel's Experiments Terminology used in [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:58+00:00July 12, 2016|Mendel|Comments Off on Mendel and his Laws of Heredity: An Overview

The Expansions of Mendelian Laws: A Close View

The below mentioned article provides a close view on the expansions of Mendelian Laws:- 1. Introduction to the Expansions of Mendelian Laws 2. Multiple Alleles and Complex Loci 3. Compatibility in Certain Plans 4. Variation in Dominance Relation 5. Penetrance and Expressivity 6. Modiflying Genes 7. Pleiotropic or Many-Fold Effects of a Single Gene 8. Gene Interactions. Contents: Introduction to [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:58+00:00July 12, 2016|Mendel|Comments Off on The Expansions of Mendelian Laws: A Close View

Mendel’s Law of Heredity | Genetics

In this article we will discuss about the Mendel’s law of heredity. The modern science of heredity came into existence with the experiments of Mendel which he made on garden pea plants. His breeding experiments were carried out during summer in a small garden plot. He choose the pea as his favorite material because of the following reasons: 1. It [...]

By |2016-07-12T12:27:18+00:00July 12, 2016|Mendel|Comments Off on Mendel’s Law of Heredity | Genetics
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