Archive | Meiosis

Meiosis: Function and Stages of Meiosis

Meiosis is a form of nuclear division that is of funda­mental importance among sexually reproducing organisms. An in-depth discussion of meiosis on a cel­lular as well as a genetic basis is beyond the scope of this book; such discussions are normally treated at length in textbooks of genetics. However, for the sake of completeness we will consider some of the [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:00:01+00:00September 26, 2014|Meiosis|Comments Off on Meiosis: Function and Stages of Meiosis

Meiosis: Stages and Genetic Consequences of Meiosis

Read this article to get information about Meiosis: Stages and Genetic Consequences of Meiosis! As a result of sexual reproduction a zygote is formed by the union of sexual cells or gametes. It is characterized by having double number of chromosomes (diploid) than the gametes. In this process there is biparental inheritance. This double number is reduced to half (haploid) [...]

By |2015-08-27T18:51:21+00:00August 5, 2013|Meiosis|Comments Off on Meiosis: Stages and Genetic Consequences of Meiosis
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