Archive | Medical Parasitology

Top 2 Genus of Class Mastigophora (Flagellate)

The following points highlight the top two genus of class mastigophora (flagellate). The genus are: 1. Trypanosoma 2. Leishmania. Class Mastigophora: Genus # 1. Trypanosoma: Trypanosome, blood flagellate protozoon, is an elongated spindle shaped body with tapering ends. Its nucleus is central and anterior to kinetoplast. The undulating membrane is proceeding forward as free flagellum (Fig. 106.1). Human pathogenic trypanosomes are: [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:35:01+00:00May 16, 2016|Medical Parasitology|Comments Off on Top 2 Genus of Class Mastigophora (Flagellate)

Taenia Saginata: Distribution and Life Cycle (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about Taenia Saginata:- 1. Distribution of Taenia Saginata 2. Life Cycle of Taenia Saginata 3. Clinical Features 4. Treatment 5. Prophylaxis. Contents: Distribution of Taenia Saginata Life Cycle of Taenia Saginata Clinical Features of Taenia Saginata Treatment of Taenia Saginata Prophylaxis 1. Distribution of Taenia Saginata: (Beef Tape worm) and T. solium (Pork Tape [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:35:01+00:00May 16, 2016|Medical Parasitology|Comments Off on Taenia Saginata: Distribution and Life Cycle (With Diagram)

Adult Mosquito (With Diagram)

The below mentioned article provides a note on Adult Mosquito. Adult Mosquito: Its body consists of a head, a three segmented thorax and a ten segmented abdomen. The head bears a pair of compound eyes, a pair of fifteen jointed antennae (plumosed in male and pilosed in female), a biting and sucking type of proboscis (Fig. 110. A.1, 2); eggs [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:35:00+00:00May 16, 2016|Medical Parasitology|Comments Off on Adult Mosquito (With Diagram)
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